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SPP Metadata Repository

Thanks to the efforts of our data manager Luigia Cristiano and the colleagues from the GFZ dataservices, we have now a first version of our metadata repository online! We invite everyone to give it a try, so we can identify difficulties or bugs that you can report to me ( At the moment, we can only store and manage metadata (data descriptions, such as authors, location, etc.), but we cannot provide any central project-related webspace. Unfortunately, the FU is currently not able to help us with creating a cloud service, but we hope to solve this issue soon. If you plan to share your data you will have to either send it to me or place it on your own webspace and provide a link within the metadata. More information and detailed instructions can be found here:

4D-MB data repository

Relocation of DSEBRA stations

The AlpArray seismic network is getting an eastward extension in Hungary. With the official end of the AlpArray network in March 2019, the colleagues from Hungary decided to use their stations to place a dense station network in eastern Hungary, to cover more of the Pannonian basin. German and Hungarian colleagues decided to replace the relocated Hungarian stations by DSEBRA stations (plus a few new installations). Currently, Antje Schlömer (LMU Munich) is in the field to set up the new stations.