
Dear 4D-MBers,

First, my apologies for being incommunicado since February. There is
indeed lots to catch up on!

1. New member: We finally have a chief scientific assistant, Dr. Emanuel
Kaestle (, who joined us in Berlin officially
2 weeks ago. Emanuel graduated with a PhD from the Univ. of Paris VI on
the development of ambient noise techniques to tease out the deep
structure of the Alps. He is thus well positioned to help us with the
seismic campaign at this stage of AlpArray. I am also relieved to have him
help with administrative aspects of our SPP, which have really increased
in number and volume since last summer. Emanuel will be in touch with you
soon about installing a list-serv for all SPP members.

I should note that Dr. Derya Gürer who was introduced forthis job at our
November meeting in the meantime accepted a tenure-track position at the
Univ. of Queensland in Australia. It was rough to lose her, but her early
departure allowed us to catch Emanuel soon thereafter. It turned out to be
a “win-win” situation for all concerned.

2. Field trip to the Alps: As promised I will lead a field trip across the
Eastern Alps for 4D-MB/AlpArray members, scheduled for Sept. 8-14, the
week after the GeoBonn Meeting. I will send an outline around as soon as
possible, but need to know already by the April 13 who will come. The trip
is aimed at all 4D-MB/AlpArray members, with particular focus on
geophysicists and thermomechanical modellers, who may not have had the
opportunity yet to read the geology on the surface of the mountains whose
deep structure they are illuminating. Please pre-register by April 13 by
sending your name and address to Emanuel (above).

3. Upcoming 4D-MB meetings: The next meeting required for all 4D-MB
members will be held on Nov. 8-9, 2018, probably in Frankfurt. Please
reserve these days. All groups should be ready to present projects. The
next SPP Short Course will be held on Jan 31/Feb. 1 in 2019, devoted to
“Tectonics of the Alpine-Mediterranean Mountains and Basins”.

4. Upcoming international/national meetings: Several meetings and
deadlines are coming up that you should note carefully:

EGU in Vienna (April 9-13, 2018): There is a special session for AlpArray
- (TS7.12/GD8.6/SM 4.13) The Alps and neigbouring mountain belts
(Apennines, Dinarides, Carpathians) - a multidisciplinary vision
(AlpArray). We look forward to seeing you all at this session on
Wednesday, April 11, 8:30-12 and 13:30-15:00 in Room D2, Poster Session in
Hall X, 17:30-19:00.

AlpArray Science Meeting at the ETH-Zürich will be held on 29-30. August
2018 – information is forthcoming from the coordinators in Zürich; visit
the new AlpArray website at

GeoBonn Meeting at the Univ. of Bonn (2-6. Sept. 2018): We have a special
session devoted to 4D-MB, and expect you to contribute. See topic 3c at
the link

Thermo 2018 Meeting in Quedlinburg (Sept. 14-18, 2018): This is relevant
to those of us working on surface processes and the thermal history of the
crust. Several of us are involved in this meeting. Here is the link to the
program page: - /conference-program

5. New and updated AlpArray website - Have a look at the many activities
in all the member projects of AlpArray You also visit the pages of the
research groups
( and be
ready to join or create a new group in your field of interest. Anyone with
news he AlpArray site should please pass this on to Irene Molinari
( with a copy to Emanuel (address above).

6. Current activities: Apart from the international station network
(Array) itself, which is up and running, all 163 stations in the dense
station swath D were deployed by the end of last autumn, thanks for Ben
Heit at GFZ for his persistence and patience, as well as to our colleagues
from OGS-Trieste. Heidrun Kopp, her team from Kiel and French colleagues
from Grenoble have been on the MS Merian and successfully recovered the
ocean-bottom seismometers forming the marine arm of AlpArray. If you’re
looking for adventure, I can recommend her weekly reports and blogs on our

7. Recent activities - SPP Short Course: Last February 1-2, we hosted a
short course, entitled “Seismology for non-seismologists” with an
excellent cast of colleagues and presentations. 26 PhDs and postdocs
participated, X of whom were non-seismologists- true to the name of the
course. The course program and lecture notes can be down-loaded from our
website ( We
commissioned videos to be made of all the lectures, and these too will
soon be available via links on our website. We’ll let you know.

8. Outreach: We have featured in several magazine and newspaper articles,
including a story in “Bild der Wissenschaft”
thanks to Michael Weber and his contacts. These are all down-loadable or
linked on our website. So far, the articles highlight geophysical aspects
of 4D-MB, which reflects on the current early stage of 4D-MB and AlpArray.
I am sure this will become more balanced as 4D-MB progresses. However, we
depend on YOU to reach out to local papers and media, also social media,
in order to bring our exciting work to the public! Please report these to
Emanuel so we can put them on our website.

Best wishes,

Mark, Emanuel and Michael

Mark R. Handy
Professor für Geologie (Tektonik)
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften
Freie Universität Berlin
Malteserstrasse 74-100
D-12249 Berlin

Tel. +49-(0)30-838-70311

Dr. Emanuel D. Kästle
Freie Universität Berlin
Institute of Geological Sciences
Building B
Malteserstraße 74-100
D-12249 Berlin
Phone +49 - 30 - 838 64746